Camp Flutterbye to offer support for grieving children
Community Nurses Home Health and Hospice holds an annual bereavement camp for children each summer, called “Camp Flutterbye.” This year the event will be held June 9 and 10 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at The Pines, on Windfall Road in St. Marys.
“This camp is designed to help children understand their feelings after the loss of a loved one and to find effective ways to cope with them,” said Joanne Straub, the hospice social worker who facilitates the camp. “It is nice for the kids to have the support of others who understand what they are going through and have shared the same emotions.”
The camp offers various activities throughout the day, including indoor swimming, indoor/ outdoor games, and therapeutic activities. There will be a pizza party and sundaes on Friday. There is no fee, and anyone of school age (kindergarten through grade 12) is invited to attend. An application is required and is available online at www.communitynurses.org or by calling 781-4722.