Patient Representative
Penn Highlands Huntingdon
Penn Highlands Huntingdon has a Patient Representative who is available to all patients. This person serves as a liaison between the patient and the Hospital and provides a channel through which patients may seek solutions to problems. Any patient safety concerns should be reported to this individual as well.
Call 814-643-8656 to speak to a representative.
Penn Highlands Mon Valley
It can be very stressful when you are in the hospital despite our best efforts to create a supportive and safe environment. We are committed to listening and responding to any questions or concerns that you or your loved ones may have about the care that you have received. Your feedback is important to us.
We encourage you, your loved ones or a representative to first discuss any concerns with your medical team. Your physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers who have been involved in your care are the most familiar with your specific care needs. They will be able to resolve your issues.
If your issue or complaint is not easily resolved and requires more time and attention to review, a member of the Quality/ Patient Safety and Risk department will make sure that your specific concerns are shared with the appropriate individual(s) and that you receive a follow-up response as soon as possible. A written response will be provided to you in a timely manner. Our goal is to give you a complete and satisfactory response.
Call 724 258 1076 to speak to a representative.
Penn Highlands Tyrone
Patient Care Concerns:
Patient Advocate
187 Hospital Drive Tyrone, PA 16686
814-684-1255 ext. 2480
[email protected]
Penn Highlands Tyrone will address your concern as promptly as possible. Our patient advocate will respond with a written and/or verbal response in a timely manner.