Patient Billing Services
As an inpatient or outpatient at Penn Highlands Healthcare, you receive care from our fully integrated health system that includes:
Penn Highlands Brookville
Penn Highlands Clearfield
A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois
Penn Highlands Connellsville
Penn Highlands DuBois
Penn Highlands Elk
Penn Highlands Huntingdon
Penn Highlands Mon Valley
Penn Highlands State College
A Campus of Penn Highlands Huntingdon
Penn Highlands Tyrone
Penn Highlands Medical Group
Penn Highlands Physician Network
The Billing Process
As deductibles, co-pays and health insurance can be confusing at times, Penn Highlands will explain out-of-pocket responsibilities for services before you have a procedure done, and staff will also explain what co-pays are expected, too.
This means that when you come in for appointments, co-pays will be clarified and expected at the check-in windows at provider offices, the emergency departments, outpatient surgery areas and x-ray or imaging departments. This saves a lot of time and resources for you and PHH for what can be handled conveniently on site.
Also, someone from PHH will talk to you about paying for treatments or services. This will be done before a scheduled procedure and will allow you to have a plan in place to know what the cost is and what is expected.
Many times an insurance company will send a letter about what is and isn’t covered - but it comes after the appointment. This will be the same type of information we can provide for you from our Business Offices.
PHH wants healthcare costs to be transparent. By helping everyone understand the costs they are incurring, in the end, no one is surprised.
Of course, emergency situations and procedures are something totally different. And of course, Penn Highlands has the ability to bill and take payments in that environment.
We will mail you a bill listing your unpaid balances. The bill lists the date and place you received care, payments received and your balance due. If you have any changes to your address, employer, insurance and/or dependent status, please contact us.
We accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express payments online, by phone and by mail. You may also mail us a check.
Penn Highlands CMS Pricing Transparency Machine Readable Files
The links below can be used to access the Machine-Readable File of Items and Services for each Penn Highlands Healthcare Hospital:
Penn Highlands Brookville Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands Clearfield Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands Connellsville Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands DuBois Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands Elk Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands Huntingdon Machine Readable File
DownloadPenn Highlands Tyrone Machine Readable File
DownloadOnline Patient Responsibility Estimator
Need a Price Estimate for a Procedure, Test or Surgery? We Can Help.
We can help you calculate your covered and non-covered expense.
To further increase price transparency, CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) requires hospitals to make public standard charges for the most common services a hospital provides. One way hospitals are permitted to enact this mandate is to make available an online resource that will provide patients the ability to create their own estimate.
The “Online Patient Responsibility Estimator” button below will take you to this resource.
To use the Online Patient Responsibility Estimator, you will need to know :
- The name of the patient's procedure or service
- Patient's name and date of birth
- Patient’s insurance policy information (if applicable)
These three pieces of information will provide the most accurate patient estimate; however this resource should be considered an additional tool to the financial counselor process outlined above.
Paying Online
For your convenience, you can pay your bills online by selecting Bill Pay or by accessing your MyPennHighlands Patient Portal.
Pay By Phone
Simply call during our business hours - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Penn Highlands Brookville Business Office
Penn Highlands Connellsville Business Office
Penn Highlands Clearfield, A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois Business Office
Penn Highlands DuBois Business Office
Penn Highlands Elk Business Office
Penn Highlands Huntingdon Business Office
Penn Highlands Mon Valley Business Office
Penn Highlands Tyrone Business Office
814-682-1840 or 814-684-1255 ext . 7096
Pay In Person
To pay in person you may visit the following Business Office locations.
Penn Highlands Brookville
100 Hospital Road
Brookville, PA 15825
Penn Highlands Connellsville
401 East Murphy Avenue
Connellsville, PA 15425
Penn Highlands Clearfield
A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois
438 Front Street
Clearfield, PA 16830
Penn Highlands DuBois
204 Hospital Avenue
DuBois, PA 15801
(Please use Munroe Street entrance.)
Penn Highlands Elk
763 Johnsonburg Road
St Marys, PA 15857
Penn Highlands Huntingdon
1225 Warm Springs Avenue
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Penn Highlands Mon Valley
1163 Country Club Road
Monongahela, PA 15063
Penn Highlands Tyrone
187 Hospital Drive
Tyrone, PA 16686