Penn Highlands Mon Valley Is Nationally Recognized for Its
High-Quality COPD and Stroke Care

Penn Highlands Mon Valley received two American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Get With The Guidelines® quality achievement awards for its commitment to ensuring that patients receive the most appropriate treatments.
Heart Failure
Penn Highlands Mon Valley’s commitment to excellence in patient care was recognized with the Get With the Guidelines — Heart Failure Gold Plus Award — Target: Heart Failure Honor Roll and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll. This award shows that the hospital follows the most current evidence-based guidelines and has met specific achievement measures for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure patients which means reduced readmissions and more healthy days at home.
Nearly 6 million U.S. adults are living with heart failure, a number that is expected to increase to more than 8 million by 2030. Despite the name, heart failure does not mean that the heart has stopped working; it means the heart is having a hard time pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body. While there is no cure for heart failure, patients can live a quality life by working with their health care team to create a plan that may include medication, symptom monitoring and lifestyle changes.
Additionally, Penn Highlands Mon Valley was recognized on the American Heart Association’s Target: Heart Failure and Target: Type 2 Diabetes honor rolls. Hospitals on the Target: Heart Failure Honor Roll meet specific criteria that improves medication adherence, provides early follow-up care and coordination and enhances patient education. Hospitals on the Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll aim to ensure that patients with Type 2 diabetes, who might be at higher risk for complications, receive the most up-to-date, evidence-based care when hospitalized due to heart disease or stroke.
Penn Highlands Mon Valley also received the organization’s Get With The Guidelines — Stroke Gold Plus Award Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll. The hospital earned this award for ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines, ultimately leading to more lives saved and reduced disability.
Stroke is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the U.S. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts. When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood and oxygen it needs, so brain cells die. Early stroke detection and treatment are key to improving survival, minimizing disability and accelerating recovery times.
The hospital also received the Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll Award which aims to ensure those with Type 2 diabetes receive the most-up-to-date care when hospitalized due to stroke.
“Penn Highlands Mon Valley is committed to improving patient care by adhering to the latest treatment guidelines,” said Peter J. Adamo, Penn Highlands Healthcare Southwestern Region Market President. “Get With The Guidelines makes it easier for our teams to put proven knowledge and guidelines to work on a daily basis, which studies show can help patients recover better. The end goal is to ensure more people in the Mon Valley region can experience longer, healthier lives.”