Penn Highlands Mon Valley Auxiliary Donation to Help Oncology Patients
The Penn Highlands Mon Valley Auxiliary recently donated funds to the Hahne Cancer Center at Penn Highlands Mon Valley to provide Cancer Care Packets to new medical oncology patients. The comfort packets contain lotion, lip balm, sunscreen, a stress ball, hard candy, gum, an inspirational stone, cozy socks, appointment book, healthy snacks and puzzle books.
“We have a soft spot in our hearts for the hospital’s oncology patients,” explained Arlene Haney, President of the Auxiliary. ‘We want to let the patients know that we have been there and know firsthand what they are going through.”
The Auxiliary members raised the funds through raffles; vendor sales such as bakery treats, ice cream, food trucks and crafts; as well as from the snack cart that takes low-priced treats to patients.
The Penn Highlands Mon Valley Auxiliary has approximately 30 active members who provide regular services to the hospital such as staffing the lobby welcome desk and serving as hostesses in the snack shop.
For more information on joining the Auxiliary, contact Arlene Haney at 724-263-6363 or visit