Please call the provider's office to confirm insurance coverage prior to scheduling an appointment.
Cierra Sechman, PA-C
- Walk-in Clinic
Board Status
- Board Certified Physician Assistant
- Certificate in Surgical Technology
- Master's of Health Science - Lock Haven University, Physician Assistant Program, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
- Bachelor's Degree in Health Science with a minor in Community Health, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
- Associate's Degree in Allied Health Science, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
- American Society of Physician Assistants
- Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
- Association of Surgical Technologists
Treatments & Services
QCare ClearfieldA Service of Penn Highlands DuBois
1900 River Road
Clearfield, PA 16830
QCare DuBoisA Service of Penn Highlands DuBois
621 S. Main Street
DuBois, PA 15801
Fax: 814-375-3060
QCare Moshannon ValleyA Service of Penn Highlands Brookville
271 Railroad Street
Philipsburg, PA 16866
Fax: 814-342-1874
QCare St. MarysA Service of Penn Highlands DuBois
761 Johnsonburg Road
Suite 160
St. Marys, PA 15857
Fax: 814-788-8770