Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor
Senior Care
When you're searching for senior care for you or a loved one, there are four traits that rise to the top of the must-haves list: compassion, ability, respect, excellence. Together, they embody who we are at Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor, where it is our goal to create and maintain a safe, homelike environment.
417 Route 28
Brookville, PA 15825
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Referrals are accepted 24/7
Important Information Regarding Jefferson Manor
November 21, 2023
Visitation is permitted for all neighborhoods.
Visitors are still required to screen upon entry by taking their temperature and filling out the questionnaire.
If a visitor is COVID positive, experiencing signs or symptoms, or has been exposed, they are not to visit.
Jefferson Manor will continue to COVID-19 test staff and residents per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid 3(CMS) guidelines and recommendations.
We continue to work together to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our residents and staff. We know that you are concerned about COVID-19 and how it may impact your loved ones at Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor.
Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor Nursing Home reports the following:
We have 1 active confirmed COVID-19 resident cases. Our cumulative total since the start of the pandemic is 135 confirmed resident COVID-19 cases. We have 0 residents with new onset of respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
We have 1 active confirmed COVID-19 staff members. Our cumulative total since the start of the pandemic is 165 confirmed staff COVID-19 cases. We currently have 0 staff with new onset of respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor Personal Care Home reports the following:
We have 0 active confirmed COVID-19 resident cases. Our cumulative total since the start of the pandemic is 43 confirmed resident COVID-19 cases. We have 0 residents with new onset of respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
We have 0 active confirmed COVID-19 staff members. Our cumulative total since the start of the pandemic is 22 confirmed staff COVID-19 cases. We currently have 0 staff with new onset of respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
If resident(s) test positive, we will notify resident(s) and their representative(s) of their condition and implement safety protocols for their care and treatment. We also follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including return to work guidance, for staff who test positive.
We continue to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19 such as enhanced infection control precautions, screening residents, staff and essential personnel for symptoms, restricting visitation, postponing or carefully limiting communal activities including social distancing and other infection control precautions. As ever, keeping our residents and staff safe is our number one priority.
To receive this information in the form of a recorded message, please dial 814-849-0609 or via this webpage. This message will be updated when there are changes or new information. Due to government privacy requirements, we cannot divulge specific information about the individuals who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 unless they are your family member and you have the necessary permissions to receive such information. In this case, we will contact you directly if your loved one is suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19.
Family members and friends still have the option of scheduling a video chat by contacting the Activities Department, at 814-849-8026.
Penn Highlands Jefferson Manor strongly encourages residents and visitors to get vaccinated to help protect your loved ones.
COVID-19 (coronavirus) Resources
If you have traveled out of the USA, or to an area within the USA that is currently affected by COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19, or have these symptoms: Fever, Cough, Trouble Breathing.
1. Call your Primary Care Physician
2. Utilize QCareNow for virtual visits with one of our providers. You may CLICK HERE, to go to QCareNow.
Click here for Penn Highlands Healthcare Coronavirus latest updates and FAQs.