Pinecrest Manor
Making the decision to admit your loved one into a nursing home is never easy. We understand how it can feel like you're letting go, giving up or taking the easy way out. But we want you to know that Pinecrest Manor will treat your family like it's our own. Our licensed, skilled nursing home has been providing exceptional 24-hour care since 1970. And with 138 beds and a convenient location on the campus of Penn Highlands Elk in St. Marys, we want to be your loved one's home away from home.
763 Johnsonburg Road
St. Marys, PA 15857
Fax: 814-788-8085
Important Information Regarding Pinecrest Manor
July 25, 2024
Visitation is permitted for all neighborhoods.
If a visitor is COVID positive, experiencing signs or symptoms, or has been exposed they are not to visit.
Pinecrest Manor will continue to COVID-19 test staff and residents per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) guidelines and recommendations.
We have 0 active confirmed COVID-19 resident case. We have 0 residents experiencing respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
We have 0 active confirmed COVID-19 staff members. We currently have 0 staff with new onset of respiratory symptoms within a 72-hour period.
If resident(s) test positive, we will notify resident(s) and their representative(s) of their condition and implement safety protocols for their care and treatment. We also follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including return to work guidance, for staff who test positive.
We continue to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19 such as enhanced infection control precautions, screening residents, staff and essential personnel for symptoms, restricting visitation, postponing or carefully limiting communal activities including social distancing and other infection control precautions. As ever, keeping our residents and staff safe is our number one priority.
This message will be updated when there are changes or new information. Due to government privacy requirements, we cannot divulge specific information about the individuals who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 unless they are your family member and you have the necessary permissions to receive such information. In this case, we will contact you directly if your loved one is suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19.